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Minnetonka Ambulatory Surgery Center located at 15450 Highway 7, Suite 200, Minnetonka, MN 55345

Click here to view a full listing of our surgeons and their specialties that our facility provides.

Our Patient Resources section offers surgery and recovery information and pre-surgery forms.

Follow this link to easily pay your bill online with Minnetonka Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC.

"My experience at the surgery center was amazing!  Your staff was truly one of a kind and any nervousness I had was quickly erased as soon as Saebra came to get me from the lobby.  Once I saw her I knew I was in the best hands possible and I am SO thankful the last minute change to have surgery there was the right choice for me.  I loved every minute I was there and was treated like a queen.  From the nursing staff to the anesthesiologists to the recovery team, I just couldn't have ever asked for better care.  I am very thankful I came there to have this surgery!

You have an amazing group of people there and each are very special in their own ways!" - Lisa
"My experience at the surgery center was amazing!  Your staff was truly one of a kind and any nervousness I had was quickly erased as soon as Saebra came to get me from the lobby.  Once I saw her I knew I was in the best hands possible and I am SO thankful the last minute change to have surgery there was the right choice for me.  I loved every minute I was there and was treated like a queen.  From the nursing staff to the anesthesiologists to the recovery team, I just couldn't have ever asked for better care.  I am very thankful I came there to have this surgery! You have an amazing group of people there and each are very special in their own ways!" - Lisa


Welcome to the Minnetonka Ambulatory Surgery Center located at 15450 Highway 7, Suite 200 in the Minnetonka Medical Center. We appreciate the opportunity to care for you and your family. We realize surgery and procedures can be a very anxious time for you, and we would like to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The center’s number one priority is providing excellent patient care in an environment of skill and compassion.

Lobby Photo